Wor"Ship" Wreck - John 4:23-24 (NIV)

Scripture of the Day
John 4:23-24 (NIV)    
“Wor”Ship” Wreck”

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
Now anyone who knows me should have been expecting this one! I love to Wor”Ship” and praise GOD! Do you want to know why! I am so glad you asked! Because, this is our opportunity to do what we were made to do! The Wor”Ship” has taken me places I could have never dreamed of! The Wor”Ship” sets the atmosphere in my day! The Wor”Ship” has gotten me through the battles . . . through the storms . . . through the pains in my life and those of my family! I’m about to start worshiping right now! My Wor”Ship” falls into two categories: war ship and PT cruiser! Yeah . . . PT stands for “Praise Time” We can worship through the trials and tribulations! We can praise HIM in advance! Our worship is the time we give ourselves to GOD in a reverential way, yet we can be undignified! We can worship through song, dance, poetry, prayers, tears, laughter . . . but worship must always come from the heart! It must be done in the Spirit and in truth! This is the kind of worshipers GOD seeks!

Listen . . . you may think you were born to be a leader . . . but you were made to worship! You may think you were gifted to sing or act . . . but you were made to worship! You may think you were called to preach and teach . . . but understand this . . . You Were Made To Wor”Ship” first! GOD would not call anyone to preach, minister, deacon, etc. then take their Wor”Ship” away so they could remain dignified! You better be like David when he danced out of his clothes! He said that his worship would get more undignified! Just thinking about the LORD makes me want to give HIM undignified worship!

I don’t even know where to began when it comes to Wor”Ship” wrecks! The very thing we were made to do, we wreck! Many of us have abandoned our Wor”Ship” Some of us have deliberately ran our Wor”Ship” into the rocks! We even cause mutiny aboard others Wor”Ship”!! Listen, Wor”Ship” wrecks don’t happen on Sunday mornings during worship services only! No . . . many wrecks happen before we even get there! Some wrecks even keep us from actually getting to church! Our Wor”Ship” is wrecked when we get up in the morning with a heart full of despair, instead of realizing GOD woke us up! Our Wor”Ship” is wrecked when someone cuts us off in traffic on the way to church! Our Wor”Ship” is wrecked in the parking lot of the church when we see the person who has been back-biting! Our Wor”Ship” is wrecked when we see someone sitting in the pew-seat that we have been sitting in for the last 10 years! Here is the funny thing! This is the wreck that keeps us so busy putting water in the boat, that we can’t raise our hands and thank GOD for rescuing us with a Wor”Ship”!

I know I got kind of long winded on this one . . . but we must understand the importance and the purpose of our Wor”Ship” Romans 12:1 says, 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. I know we can give an Amen to that! This is our act of worship! This is how we demonstrate our love! This is our sacrifice to the Holy GOD! Our Wor”Ship” is pleasing to GOD! I have been called a “hype-man”, “cheer leader”, "Shouting John" and a few other things . . . but I can’t let anyone drop anchor on my Wor”Ship”.  Don't let anyone drop anchor or stop your Wor"Ship"

Oh, I’m not done! Hebrews 13:15 says, 15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. I can’t stop praising HIS name! I don’t want to stop praising HIS name! Last Sunday, I was told I got too loud . . . but I don’t think I was loud enough! I see parents at their kids football games . . . they are loud! But when we get to church they want to go into “Silent Praise!” Well, that’s not my culture (quote from a movie)!

Now, I know that GOD doesn’t need me to praise HIM . . . but HE made me to worship HIM!  HE made all of us a Wor”Ship”  I hope you didn’t miss that!  All the other “Ships” we climb aboard!  But we are the Wor”Ship”  We can put our hands on the helm of all the other "Ships" guide them!  But the Wor"Ship" is guided by the Holy Spirit!  HE should be at the helm of your Wor"Ship"  You don’t need to experience a Wor”Ship” . . . you need to be a Wor”Ship”  Its called a worship service, because we are suppose to serve HIM with our worship and praise!
I want to ask every Wor”Ship” to read this out loud and from the heart! All the earth shall worship YOU and sing praises to YOU; They shall sing praises to YOUR name. Selah (Psalm 66:4)

I can hear Sis Sneed leading us in song . . . “Ain’t no rock . . . gonna cry in my place . . . as long as I’m alive to glorify HIS Holy Name!”

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