Touch of Faith - Matthew 9:21-22 (NKJV)

Scripture of the Day
Matthew 9:21-22 (NKJV)
“Touch of Faith”

For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.
This woman had a flow of blood for twelve years!  Who knows how many doctors or remedies she had tried!  Today, there are a ton of commercials promising a cure for whatever your sickness is.  Then just when it sounds hopeful, that low voice begin to tell you about all the dangerous side-effects, which will require another cure with different side-effects.  It can be very frustrating . . . especially after twelve years.  Or maybe she accepted the fact that she had something that was never going to go away!  Maybe she decided to just live with it! 

I’m sure we can say that she was sick and tired . . . even taken advantage of because of her illness!  But then came JESUS!  There must have been an extreme sense of healing coming from HIM, because her faith was in the touch of HIS garment!  Something about JESUS was different from what any doctor could say and seemed more promising than any remedy known to man!  Can you imagine how her heart was crying out for healing as she stretched her hand towards JESUS (there’s a sermon) and having faith that even the touch of HIS garment would be sufficient!  I’m sure her eyes were on JESUS, but all she needed was a touch of HIS garment!  Not even the full garment . . . just the hem!  Only the living GOD can provide such a touch!  By the touch of faith in JESUS we are healed!

Please note that there are some side-effects of JESUS’ Touch of Faith:  instant healing, no recovery time, no physical theory, joy, happiness, peace, new life and much more!  He did it for the man with the withered hand, the blind, the lame, the dead . . . and HE will do the same for me and you!  Let your heart cry out and your hand stretched to HIM!  With the touch of faith in JESUS we are healed!


Still waiting said...

In 2 Corth 12:7-10, Paul is ask the lord three times to remove a thorn in his flesh, and the lord said that his grace was sufficient enough. Does it ever go on to say if that thorn was removed, or did Paul learn to live with it? I am still living with the thorn in my flesh. It seems that no matter how hard I pray or try to get it out, it is still there! I can't see the hem of his garment. At times I am wondering if I am being heard! Thanks for the daily scriptures. Each one seems to come from your heart! It seems as if you are always preaching to yourself before you share it with others. God bless

NHISHand said...

I would like to thank you for seeing the SODs just as GOD has commanded them to be . . . from my heart! Every SOD has been a direct influence on my life. I am always asking GOD to help me give HIS Word in a way that is pleasing to HIM. Sometimes I miss spell words, or use the wrong word (I can't blame spell check), but it is always from the heart. Each one teaches me.

As for the thorn that has not been removed, I ask and pray that you visit the site again in the morning! As I was reading your reply, GOD placed tomorrow's devotion and SOD on my heart, proving once again, that HE works on me, before HE lets me share with others! What a mighty GOD we serve and believe! Thank you for sharing! If it be GOD's will . . . we shall see a new day!