A Righteous Wallop - Hebrews 12:10-12 (NIV)

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but GOD disciplines us for our good, that we may share in HIS holiness.  No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.


     The older folks would keep us in line with a good wallop to the backside or the head . . . depending on how upset they were . . . you could get walloped on the neck, or under your arm pit!  Yeah . . . most of the time . . . I deserved that wallop, but I never liked them!  I don’t care what I had done, I never got use to those wallops!  Now I see how those smack-downs help develop me for a world that will take every chance it can to wallop me!  Even though a righteous wallop hurt, we can learn! 
     Here is something very important I have learned over the years!  When the world wallops you . . . it’s to tear you down and leave you on the ground!  When GOD wallops you . . . you will be lifted up into righteousness and have peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can vividly remember the "beat downs" and "wallops" that I received from my mother--my father NEVER spanked me. I used to be mad with her and wanted to hit her back, but I knew better. However, as I think about those beatings, I've learned that it was for my own good--some I deserved and some I didn't. I truly believed that my beatings served two purpose--to teach me to respect my parent's authority because they knew best, and to prepare me for the cruelty of this world. I'm thankful for the lessons learned.

As an adult who now know the Lord, I know that God's discipline is a good thing, and as long as I stay on the right path--serving him diligently, and being obedient to His word, there is a promise of eternal life...WOW!!!